Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Assignment for T.Y.B.E -Students

Assignment -1  -
 Finished ---------------------------------------------------------------------------        10 Marks
Assignment- 2
Select suitable topic for Presentation and Make Powerpoint Presentation  Before 15/4/2012 .confirm your topic with Faculty in Next Seven days .-----------------------        10 Marks
Write atleast 2  GTU External Examinationpaper and submit before 28/4/2012 ------    15  Marks
Assignment -4
Prepare Experiments as per given format in the group of 7-8 Students .

Format of Lab Project Report for Students  , submitted before –21/4/2012 -------          15 Marks .

For Display Ckt Board in lab  :Use Red ,Yellow and Blue ,and  line thickness is 2 point with
For AIM  Use 18- Times New Roman RED Font only for uniformity .
All Ckt are colour  Printed in A3 size (containing AIM ,Circuit diagram with Suitable range or appartus used ,Observation table and Actual Images of Instruments used in industries  if possible  laminated with simple cardboard )

remaining things are submited in report.
- Indicate the revised lab experiment title and number.

NAME – Give your Group name with En.No, Name,Contact No,Email I.D ,.

LAB PARTNER(S) - Specify your lab partner's name.

DATE - Indicate the date of start and End date .

OBJECTIVE - Clearly state the objective of upgrading our existing Practical with Latest industrial  On going practice.

EQUIPMENT USED - Indicate which equipment was used in performing the experiment. The Manufacturer and model number should be specified.
Provide a concise summary of the procedure used in the lab. Include any modifications
to the experiment.

DATA - Provide a record of the data obtained during the experiment. Data should be retrieved from the lab notebook and presented in a clear manner using tables.

OBSERVATIONS AND DISCUSSIONS - The student should state what conclusions can be
drawn from the experiment. Plots, charts, other graphical medium, and equations should be employed to illustrate the student's viewpoint. Sources of error and percent error should be noted here.
QUESTIONS - Questions pertaining to the lab may be answered here. These questions may be answered after the lab is over.

CONCLUSIONS - The student should present conclusions, which may be logically deduced, From his/her data and observations.

SIGNATURE - Include the statement "This report is accurate to the best of my knowledge  
                     And is a true representation of my laboratory results."

SIGNED _______________________________________

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

B.V.M Engineering College –
Dept.of Electrical Engineering
 ASSIGNMENT: I            
  ASSIGNMENT Date: 07TH feb-2011                                        LAST DATE OF SUBMISSION: 14TH Feb-2012.
 Each assignment are equal in weightage and  compulasary ,those who are failed to submit before dead line will Get Zero Marks in Internal . 
Q1)  Explain  the  term  ‘statistical  analysis’,’  Arithmetic  mean’,’  Average  deviation’, ‘Standard  deviation ‘  and variance with suitable example.   
Q2)  Explain in detail ‘classification of standards’, what are the standard s for mass, length, time, volume and frequency?  
Q3)  Explain in detail ‘classification of error ‘with suitable examples and remedies for them.  
Q4) Explain the Accuracy and precision in detail and how they differ from each other? 
 Q5) what is the limiting error?
 Prove that Aa=A (1±e) where Aa =the actual value of quantity As=Normal or specified
value of the quantity and ex=relative limiting errors. 
Q6)  Systematic errors are classified as Instrumental error, environmental error and
Observational error.  Explain briefly, what are the causes of these errors .suggest
Corrective measures to reduce these errors. 
Q7) what is histogram .explain use of Gaussian curve. 
Q8)  State  the  difference  between  fundamental  and  derived  quantity  with  the  help  examples. 
Q9) The resistive load the following rating r1=40±5%,r2=50±5%,r3=80±5% i) determine the magnitude  and limiting error  in ohm in percent of the resistance  of these resistances connected parallel. 
Q10) Set of independent measurement of voltages are recorded as 101.2,,101.3, 101.3, 101.2, 101.0, 101.3, 101.5, and 101.1.
 i) arithmetic mean          ii) Deviation from the mean 
iii) Standard deviation     iv) Probable error.
Make Power point slide on Different types of Errors.
Tutorial -solved the Examples Given in Lab session.
Online submission is also valid .submit it on: with Your Enrollment no.